Monday 7 February 2011

Group Deciding and Assigning Roles.

In today’s lesson we began to choose groups to be with people who we wished to work with for our project. I chose to work in a Two/Pair with my Friend, Laura. Between the Two of us e assigned our selves roles:
Researcher- Both – This includes finding out about the filming process and the generic conventions of our chosen genre.
 Planner- Laura-Planning the storyline, beginning middle and end plot.
Story Boarder- Nicole (me)-I will be responsible for drawing up our plot onto our story board and writing the appropriate camera shots; mise-en-scene; lighting and sound next to them.
Scriptwriter- Laura-Writing down all the dialogue we plan to use in the film.  
Location- Both-This includes Choosing and organising where we will set our film.
Props- Both- We will both be responsible for making the props which will be in our film.
Actors-Laura- She will select the people we want in our film and ask them to be in it.
Camera Op- Nicole (me) - I will get most of the shots and control the Camera.
Director- Nicole (me) Also, I will tell people where to stand and generally direct them.
Editor- Both- Editing will be a joint responsibility for both of us to do.
These job roles will probably change and we will both help each other with them making sure we both make equal contribution.

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