Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation, Task 6.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We have learnt how to use and operate a Digital Video Camera. By this I mean that we have learnt what each button does and how we could use them in our film. The on which we probably used the most besides the obvious play fast forward and re-wind was the zoom toggle. At first on out preliminary shooting exercise we created a 'Tromboning' effect but soon fixed this by practicing before we shot the real thing. We also learnt how to connect the camera up to the computer, via USB. The Diagrams which we researched and labelled during our research really helped us get to grips with the technology and allowed us to feel more confident with it.

Secondly although it may not seem that 'technical' the Tri-pod helped us make our filming steady and clean in the preliminary task we didn’t use it hence why it was so wobbly and jerky.
Before this process of constructing our own film opening, I had never used or made a blog post for that matter. At first I thought it was hard work, trying to figure out how to set on up, log-on, view other peoples profiles, friend them, and actually post and edit your blog, but after a couple of times doing this I began to get used to it and know that if I am ever doing a project like this I will used a blog to track my progress. It is interesting to look back on previous blogs and see how far we have come.

The Adobe Premier Pro software is also something which I and other group members were unfamiliar with. I still find it quite difficult to used when you are trying to do something new, find a button or try an new effect because there are so many options, but when doing the basics it is relatively simple and exciting to watch back and see what you have created. By Researching about adobe premiere it helped us because some groups just threw themselves in at the deep end and were baffled about how to edit their film whereas we new little about the basics and understood what some of the buttons did.

Some of the technical jargon was confusing at first, but now we understand most of it and would be comfortable talking about the technical techniques we used in our film.

Uploading a video onto face book and YouTube is also something I had never done, obviously I used them both but not for that purpose. It was useful learning just exactly how to upload a video through them so your friends can access and enjoy it for future reference.

Uploading a Video onto youtube ^^^^.

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