Thursday 10 March 2011

Last Nights Filming.

Last night after college, we finished the filming. We filmed all of the indoor shots, set in the bedroom of the killer which we needed. We placed the shrine board up onto the wall in the middle of the room, directly above her bed and placed the weapons, neatly aligned at the foot of the bed, alone with the lipstick and the mobile phone, in my opinion we got the mise-en-scene perfect for our film in this scene. There is also a mirror on my wardrobe which the killer stared into, which was very convenient.

Again we got a variety of shots some extreme closeups, closeups, midshots, establishing shots, and one or two long shots, and a pan of the room.

An issue occured which was just a silly mistake, I began to record over some of the other footage which I had shot after rewinding the tape and pressing the record button instead of forarding it before pressing record.
RESOLVED?: Luckily nothing major was lost as we did remember to film everything ant least twice most was recovered!- drama over!

Today we are going to upload all of our footage onto Adobe Premier Pro, place it on our time line and begin editing.

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