Thursday 10 March 2011

Attaching the camera to computer + downloading footage.

In order to download out footage to the computer we need to attach the DV camcorder up to it. Here is a diagram which explains how we do that:

Everything is basically connected throught the USB which looks like this:

And we downloaded out footage onto the computer, through adobe premier, by selecting the capure button, selecting our clips and naming them appropriately here is a picture of us working on our editing, getting everything on the timeline.

Last Nights Filming.

Last night after college, we finished the filming. We filmed all of the indoor shots, set in the bedroom of the killer which we needed. We placed the shrine board up onto the wall in the middle of the room, directly above her bed and placed the weapons, neatly aligned at the foot of the bed, alone with the lipstick and the mobile phone, in my opinion we got the mise-en-scene perfect for our film in this scene. There is also a mirror on my wardrobe which the killer stared into, which was very convenient.

Again we got a variety of shots some extreme closeups, closeups, midshots, establishing shots, and one or two long shots, and a pan of the room.

An issue occured which was just a silly mistake, I began to record over some of the other footage which I had shot after rewinding the tape and pressing the record button instead of forarding it before pressing record.
RESOLVED?: Luckily nothing major was lost as we did remember to film everything ant least twice most was recovered!- drama over!

Today we are going to upload all of our footage onto Adobe Premier Pro, place it on our time line and begin editing.

Tuesday 8 March 2011


All day we have been sorting out and making props which we need for our film, these include:

-Red Lipstick
-Three/Four Knives
-A Mobile Phone
-A Shrine
-A Red Marker

Most of these are not a problem, I already had a brand new Red Lipstick, A whole rack of knives in my kitchen, Laura has a red marker and we used my mobile phone while filming outside at the weekend, so we plan to use it again.

However the Shrine was the problem, so we created this today. We collected lots of newspapers and tore/cut words out of it like " Cheat" "murderer" "infidelity" "ruined" "dead" "stalker" "miserable" and covered a huge board with them. Then we printed out lots of pictures of Laura one of our characters and Joey another one of our characters. There were a range of pictures of them together so we placed them randomly all over the board, then we out lots more of the creepy newspaper words all over it.

On the top we wrote " Once a Cheat, Always a Cheat!"

This is now finished and we can now use it when we film the rest of our film tonight, inside the house, everything else has also been checked and we have everthing prepared.

Monday 7 March 2011

Filming Over the Weekend.

Over the weekend, as we had arranged, we met up on sunday and filmed a main part of our film. The weather was lovely (unfortunately, we will be making the film black and white, to give it a gritty feel so the sunshine will go unoticed). We managed to get a range of shots: Long shots, more establishing shots, some close-ups, extreme closeups, mid shots and one or two extremelong shots. Most of which were tracking ones, tracking the main character. We also managed to do some experiementing with shots like zooming in and out of the bag (which contains the weapon) which we wish to include in a morph with this inside the house shot of the bag (which contains the weapons). Finally we even managed to create some humerous outtakes, however irrelivent they maybe, at least we enjoyed creating it :)

Today we have been looking back through our filming, making sure we got everthing and that it matches up the best way we can to the storyboards and also writing down any extrashots which we may want to include when filming indoors, we also gathered some materials for our props, which we will need for the house/bedroom filming.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Filming Towneley.

During to day we have been filming some establishing shots of out second location. All in all there will be three locations in our film, as decribed in the plan.
1. Burnley General Hospital
2. Towneley Park/Forrest/Fields
3. A House/Bedroom.
As we have done number 1, we are moving through them in a chronological order. However we wanted to get all of the filming done today which needed to be done in Towneley but due to two the actors in our film being un available today we decided that we should shoot all the footage we need in Towneley on Sunday ath the weekend. Also instead of wasteing time today we decided to go to Towneley and capture some establishing shots and generally get a feel of where we can shoot and direct things/people.

Here are some images of Towneley and why it was the perfect location for our film.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Beggining Filming.

Today we began filming, in order to ease our self into the process we just decided to get a few establishing shots of one of our settings, Burnley General Hospital. It only took around 30 mintues. We got one of the sign from outside, a pan of the grounds, a mid shot of the enterence. Then we went inside and got an establshing shot of the waiting area (pan). Finally a series of shots behind a desk, with a Lady ringing our character. And of course we remembered to get every shot about 3 times!

We really liked the idea of using an actuall hospital to set our scene as it makes it look very realisic.

Here are some images of Burnley General, not ours of course, they will be on at a later date when we begin to upload out footage.