Monday 31 January 2011

Editing our Footage using Adobe Premiere Pro.

After getting used to the Camera Equipment last week, experimenting with the different buttons and adjusting the tri-pod to various positions. It was decided this week that we become more familiar with the editing software Adobe Premier Pro; we did upload our footage but didn’t really start editing it last week.
So, today we used the capturing technique to select all of the footage we wanted and placed the clips onto the timeline in a logical order. We also learned how to trim the clips to the size we wanted them and how to render work together once we had made a change. The final part which we added to our footage was including titles to the sequence which showed what it was called and therefore gave a glimpse as to what it was about.  
Overall I found this lesson enjoyable, slightly confusing learning how to use the software at first but once you begin to see your work beginning to look like a real story with a plot and good shots coming together it encourages you to carry on editing and making it look even better. However this wasn’t our best piece of work as we were still unsteady with the camera equipment, we did do a good job at covering most of our mishaps up with good editing used to cut parts out.
Here are some of the Technical words associated with camera work and editing I learnt in today’s lesson, I have placed them on Bold above, they are:

1.       Capture
2.       Footage
3.       Clips
4.       Timeline
5.       Render
6.       Trim
7.       Titles
8.       Sequence.


Thursday 27 January 2011

AS Media Coursework #1

This is my first blog for the beggining of my AS Media Project. Our aim is to create the opening sequence to a fictional film, lasting for no more that Two minutes. Before we begin to film and get started with our project we have to complete an exercise which involves practicing our continuity editing.
Basically, a character walks into a room and exchanges two lines of dialogue with another character. We have done this and demonstrated continuity editing by using shot reverse shot technique and matching the action i.e. walks through door, on one side, comes out on the other.
This footage was shot two days ago now and we all had a taster of using the Dv camera and adjusting the tri- pods.
Today we are editing the product of what we made using Adobe Premier Pro. Overall I found this process enjoyable yet rather stressful as camera equipment if new to you can be quite bewildering until you get used to it, but after a while I became more comfotable with it which reflects at the end of our footage, the initial part of it however contains 'tromboning' and poor tracking of the character. 
In the previous week we were just reseaching using the AS Media studies book and Various samples of A grade work from the exam board. This kind of lulled us in to a false sense of security as it made it sound/look easy and the sample work flowed, was smooth and all great to watch, now we understand the complexity of it after having a practical and realise the project will be harder than, we initally thought...